I am exciting to announce the launch of my new video course for reskinning games. Its available right now on uDemy (a very popular teaching platform that allows easy and permanent access to all the video training, etc).
Take a look at the video below which outlines what is included in the course.
As a special bonus, if you click the link in the top right hand corner of this blog, and signup to get my free 113 page ebook on reskinning games (great value in its own right) you can get access to the video course for free!! A $99 value.
Just download and open up the ebook and you will find a special link to click that gives you the 100% discount and access to the course for free!
I’ve worked hard on this video course and feel it offers some of the best information available right now from someone (me) who has worked in the reskinning industry and been part of over 500 reskins (for clients and myself) in the past 18 months or so.
Now is the chance to benefit from my experience. So click the link in the top right hand corner of this blog right now to get access to the video course and ebook 100% for free!