Category Archives for How To

What To Do When Your Reskinned Game Goes Live Into The Apple App Store

So you just received an email like this one (from a reskinned game we completed for a client), and are wondering if you need to do anything else? Well, if you are using Chartboost, AppLovin, RevMob AKA

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How To Setup Your Reskinned Game In iTunes Connect

This video shows you step by step how to do the initial setup of your reskinned game into iTunes Connect. It’s aimed at those of you who want to do this stuff yourself. This is totally outsourceable,

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How To Integrate The AppLovin SDK Into Your Game Reskin

In todays posts, I am going to discuss and specifically, how to integrate its SDK into your Xcode game project. This is for those of you who want to do the geeky stuff yourself and not outsource

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